Sunday, March 25, 2012

Kristen Williams

It's amazing what can happen when you willingly take a back seat and let the Holy Spirit work in you and through you!!

Kristen Williams

Never change for anyone. Don't even try to change for yourself. The only reason you should ever have for changing yourself is because of God.

The ONLY irreplaceable thing in my life is my relationship with my God.

"It is better to have love and lost, than to never have loved at all."
As true as that is, I know it doesn't have to be that way...

"And this too shall pass... Trust Me." -God

It's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's Walker standing on the wing of a plane!
[Walker, Texas Ranger: "Rodeo"]

Dear rain, please finish now and not during recess. On behalf of all Teachers and Subs-Thanks!

Perfection is impossible yet it's always expected...

Just because I can laugh and smile doesn't mean I'm okay.
Just because I'm not okay doesn't mean I can't laugh and smile.

Clear skin isn't sexy skin... That comes from being confidant in yourself. And "ance-free" skin is NOT a requirement!

Don't misunderstand- I'm not stronger than anyone, I just have learned what it means and how to rely on God.

Sorry to the haters, but I'm not gonna live my life in fear. Of anything. I don't have to. I have faith that as long as I'm doing the right thing then my God will take care of anything that needs to be.

I am a daughter of God.
Come what may,
That will never change!

Some lessons are excruciating to learn. And that's never due to God, it's alway because we as humans can be stubborn and stupid.

Close but no cigar for you to light with a snap of your fingers. #StompOutTheDevil(heisonfire)

Just realized how much of an a-typical girlfriend i am. And how much of that is because of my God.

"Oh my God!" = "Oh my Jesus!" = "Oh my Savior!"
...just a thought...

You might think he doesn't have a halo and say that he's got one wing in the fire, but I'm playing for keeps, because he IS my angel. He is an amazing, selfless, and loving man; and he's taken, sorry girls.

My Creator designed and set every galaxy in the whole universe in motion!